Privacy Policy


This website is maintained and operated by Washington County of Utah. For questions or comments regarding this site, Contact IT Services.

Washington County respects the privacy of every individual who visits our websites. This Privacy Statement outlines the information Washington County will collect and how Washington County will use that information.


When you visit Washington County websites, we will not collect any personally identifiable information about you (such as your name, address, telephone number, parcel number, property account number, or e-mail address) unless you provide it to us voluntarily.

Washington County agencies may request personally identifiable information from you in order to provide requested specialized services, but such information is handled as it would be on an in-person visit to a county office.

Should you wish not to provide any personally identifiable information, you may utilize the services by using the appropriate non-electronic means.

Access to personally identifiable information in public records at state and local levels of government in Utah is controlled primarily by Chapter 2, Title 63 of the Utah Code, entitled the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA). Information that is generally available under Chapter 2 – and not made confidential elsewhere in the Utah Code – may be posted for electronic access through Washington County websites. While Chapter 2 sets the general policies for access to government records in the state of Utah, other sections of the Utah Code as well as other federal laws also deal with confidentiality issues.

Email addresses and phone numbers obtained as a result of a request to the County site will neither be sold nor given to private companies for marketing purposes. The information collected is subject to the access and confidentiality provisions of Chapter 2, other applicable sections of the Utah Code or federal law. Email or other information requests sent to the County website may be maintained in order to respond to the request, forward that request to the appropriate agency, and/or communicate updates.

The IP (Internet Protocol) numbers of computers used to visit this site are noted as part of our statistical analysis on the use of our website, so we may better design services and improve access to them. However, the site does not attempt to gain personally identifiable information on individual users and associate them with IP addresses.

Washington County will not give your personally identifiable information to any outside organization unless required by law.


If you have submitted personally identifiable information through a Washington County website or if someone else has submitted your personally identifiable information through a Washington County website, and you would like to have that information deleted from our databases, please contact us.


Washington County is committed to keeping secure the data you provide us with and will take reasonable precautions to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, or alteration. Washington County employs industry standards in securing this information.


Washington County websites may link to various non-Washington County websites. Many of these external sites, including private sector sites, are not subject to Chapter 2 and may also not be subject to other sections of the Utah Code or federal law. Visitors to those sites are advised to check the privacy statements of those sites and be cautious about providing personally identifiable information without a clear understanding of how the information will be used. Visitors may also want to consult privacy guidelines, such as those recommended by the Online Privacy Alliance.